Nov 4, 2015

Orange Spain Isn't Investing Much in Building Correctly Working Email Chains

I'm traveling in Europe right now. And one week ago I've got an Orange SIM card in order to have affordable 3G internet on my tablet. And here's the list of emails I've got during the first week:

Are you exited by poor execution as much as I am?

Let's list the flaws:

  1. Duplicated welcome email.
  2. Confirmation email coming on 7th day after initial welcome email.
  3. Broken or ignored preheader area.
  4. Spanish language, despite they know I'm on a tourist plan and I was speaking English in their office. They don't even give me an option to switch to English.
And when I've tried clicking in confirmation email I've got this, which looks like an error:

But a few minutes later a lousy looking email arrived saying it worked fine. So did it work out or not?!

The design of the welcome email isn't really bad, but isn't great too:

Overall it feels like the email part of work has been neglected in Orange.